Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Yolanda, The Strongest Typhoon Ever

Well, we all know what happened and we all know what is happening. During the first night, when it when all the electricity and communication lines were out – we had no idea what was going on. 

We knew it was a big one and warnings were relatively early. The president made a public announcement warning the country. 

However, no one have imagined how extreme the effect of Yolanda (aka Haiyan) would have been.

For days, I have been tuning into the news and have been treated to more and more horrible pictures, videos and coverage. Just when you think you already got it, how bad it is and everything, more sad news comes along.

There are criticism, there are complaints. People are angry. People are desperate. There are a lot of things that are said, can be said and that people keep on saying... 

It’s such a large typhoon, the greatest one ever, that spanned from east to west. It is not just 1 province that was vastly damaged, the typhoon covered 2/3 of the country. Tacloban, though it is so famous now, is not the only place that has been hit. In hard hit areas there are: No electricity. No communication. No access.

So, it is what it is. It is a catastrophic natural disaster. It is a tragedy. It is a crisis. It was just that bad. That is the point. 

It has been said that the first responders themselves are victims hence there isn’t even enough people to restore order.

I heard on the news that out of the 290 policemen of Tacloban only 22 showed up for work – where the others are (are they dead or looking for their loved ones?), who knows? I also heard that the leader of the soldier group stationed at the airport was also washed away to sea and was found miles away, after being at sea for 6 hours.

It is a mess. It is a bad situation.  

So, people should just stop saying things and doing things that are really not relevant and not particularly helpful.

And, just go out and help!

I am glad that the country is having all this international news coverage. There now seems to be an outpour of help coming from around the world. The fact that there are so many notable CNN correspondents that are in the country right now alone (I heard Anderson Cooper is here somewhere) has given the country so much airtime and this is good.  

Still, watching all the coverage has been very sad and depressing. Yet I still watch. 

I have been told by friends, who are not particularly the dramatic kind, that they actually cried while watching the news. People are saying that they feel traumatized just by watching the TV, thinking that as a Filipino, this has happened and is still happening to other Filipinos. 

All the tragedy, just gives you pause to think about issues of humanity, tragedy and survival, I suppose. 

After all, it was one crisis and tragedy after another - the Zambo incident, the Bohol earthquake, the Napoles issue.... and the list goes on. 

On this note...  Filipinos has always been thought of a resilient and happy group of people...

As sentiments like these around the net has been said... 

Let us all put our chins up and hope for more positive things to come.

Here's hoping for more bayanihan and less of these people who are exploiting a bad situation for their own gain...

(I am not talking about those victims who stole food for survival. I am talking about alleged rebel groups who shot at relief convoys and hi jacked the supplies and about those who looted items only to them sell them at high prices).


Napoles Senate Probe

I wasn’t expecting much. This idea has been preempted by TV guests. She was kept away for so long from the senate probes and then it was said not to expect too much from her. So, ok… I wasn't expecting anything and what we really got was... well, nothing. 

Pulis ba ako? Hindi ko alam... Wala pong scam...

Watching the hearing, I was just wondering about what the strategy was of either side – of the Napoles’ camp and of the senators who were questioning her. I can only guess but who will confirm my guesses anyway?

Well, Miriam obviously stole the show.  You can always count on her for entertainment, theatrics and some loud revelations. She never fails to keep it interesting. 

The thing is, obviously, Napoles knew of these things that she was asked about but she kept saying she didn't. What is the whole point of her oath, if she will just blatantly lie? I don't know what the plan there was but she certainly didn't endear herself to anyone. As you know, Filipinos do like to sympathize with underdog or whoever is seemingly being bullied, even if they are the "bad people". Image-wise though, she didn't look the least bit pitiful the way she presented herself out there. Just saying... 
AND... the big message of the day was Enrile’s DNA revelation: He is the evil mastermind after all…!?

What?! But I am innocent.... 

Ok, old guy... whatever you say. 


Somewhere in another part of the world... Jinggoy allegedly is having some medical checkup. 

And so... Abangan na lamang ang susunod na kabanata... 

I hope Napoles and the NGO scam issue will not be forgotten amidst the aftermath of typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Word to the Wise, Clichés, Self Help and Other Words of Wisdom

1. What I have learned (and unfortunately have forgotten) and have relearned recently is this:

Most people who keep on trying to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself, are usually people who are projecting their own insecurities and issues on you.

They are just so busy convincing themselves, and you, that they are better than you. Do not allow them to do so. Do not allow them to make you believe there is something wrong with you, when there is none.

2. People have different definitions of success, happiness and making it. 

People should stop making other people feel bad about themselves just because what they want out of life is different from theirs.

“To each his own” as they say.

3. Respect – is another word these people need to learn to live by. 

4. More listening, less judging, please.

5. People who can’t handle looking at other people should just stop looking.

Stop the envy, the jealousy, and the bitterness. Most of all (again), stop projecting your own insecurity or whatever it is you are dealing with to others.

Growing up, I’ve had relatives and classmates who always felt that they should be better than me. Whatever I had or did, or was, they had to be better or they had to beat it.

Half of the time I fought back, simply because they were annoying. Like what is up with these people who can’t even give you anything? They had to always have it all, don’t they?

Half of the time, I just wanted them to stop. Like, leave it be, please. Can’t I just do things without these people hovering and thinking of ways on how they can beat me out of whatever it is? Seriously, I just want to exist on my own, in peace, and not be some mark that these people have to measure themselves against on all the time. 

I’ve always thought these people will never "win" because there will always be someone who is better at something in everything and so they won’t stop and won’t ever be truly happy.

However, I still wish that these people would learn to just leave you alone. You don’t want to be their yardstick. You never volunteered. It's not like you knowingly and willingly engaged in these competitions against them.  

Or, if they want to keep using you as their yardstick, can they just please do this in silence, alone, without bothering you? No sabotaging, no backbiting, no back stabbing, no putting you down, no bad vibes…  

If they can be bitter in silence, far away… Ok then, they can do that. It’s a free world.

6. People should learn to be happy for others.

Simply: I’ve always wished that more people would learn to truly be happy for others despite the status of their lives.

7.  More Words:

Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. 

The Buddist concept of mudita "sympathetic joy" or "happiness in another's good fortune," is cited as an example of the opposite of schadenfreude

Alternatively, envy, which is unhappiness in another's good fortune, could be considered the counterpart of schadenfreude.

Completing the quartet is "unhappiness at another's misfortune"—which can be called sympathy, pity, or compassion. 

8. Stop wearing the victim shirt.

There was a time in my life when things were down and I would always say: I refuse to be a victim. Sometime a few years ago, due to various reasons, I forgot I was the same person.

My friend was telling me about this self help book that she was reading and one of the steps told her to stop wearing the victim shirt.

I agree, this is true. People should stop wearing the victim shirt.

Though the book talked about various types of victims. One of them is the valid victim that refused to let things go.  In any case, valid of a victim you may be, you will continue to be one if are unable to let go. And so you have to.  

9. Learn to embrace yourself. Learn to love yourself.

Cliché as this statement might be, all I am saying that if I am able to completely embrace and love myself, I think, there (would have been, and ) will be a world of difference. 

10. Well... 

I suppose,  it is a person's choice if he/she decides to be successfully miserable in life.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

Explosive, Not So Explosive: Jinggoy, Miriam, and the Blind Item

 So today, it all went like this: 

But seriously, I have to agree with Miriam Santiago here. This is what we get when we elect actors to the senate! Literally, we get a court of jesters creating drama here, there and everywhere. They give us quite a soap opera, don’t they?

Jinggoy’s speech wasn’t particularly explosive, actually. It was hyped to be one, but really what was that? A lame attempt to confuse people and make all this a he said she said scenario?

AND, in case any one has forgotten Jinggoy Estrada, along with his friends Revilla and Enrile voted guilty during the Corona impeachment trial. 

So, I don’t know… If Jinggoy's accusation is true then he accepted this bribe? - or appeal or incentive or whatever it is they want to call it?! So he took it then? (If so, then isn't he self incriminating himself for selling his own vote?)

And, I could also believe Miriam when she said that Enrile is behind Jinggoy’s speech and the strategy that goes with it.

BUT the bigger explosion of the day is Miriam’s blind item.

And, if it’s true that it was Enrile who funded the Zambo rebellion.

Well, wow… What a man we have here.  

People were: Hostaged. Killed. Raped. Starved. Displaced. Terrorized…

All that, so he can pretend to have high blood and hide inside a hospital? So he can hold on to more power in his remaining years?

And, the Zamboanga siege is still on going and the lives of the people who would survive would forever be changed. (And this is no drama, this is reality.)

We have not even talked about the rebels who were recruited under false pretense. Those who were promised money/jobs/other items or told that they will only do minor task and not actually participate in the violence. These people who are now branded as rebels didn’t even believe in the so called cause their rebellion was allegedly for.

There are no words that can be said for commanding a senseless rebellion, knowingly sending innocent and even not so innocent men into their deaths, just because you can and just because it serves your purpose.

No words, perhaps, but karma.


On a side note:

-         -  Funny, how the mega star reacted via tweet as expected, quite outrageously and defensively.

-         - And, the man who refuses to fade away with dignity takes the opportunity to make another appearance in the media: Mr. Corona says that Jinggoy has vindicated him. Ok dude, whatever. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tanda, Sexy and Pogi

How funny these code names are not even clever or inconspicuous. They read like a gossip rag blind item alias. Just classy, isn’t it?

Anyway... What is there to say? I’m not surprised these three are in cahoots with Napoles. What is there to be surprised about? I never saw them as saints.

15 boxes of evidence on the PDAF case and on the 3 senators, pic from inquirer


Oh JPE, you and your clever mind and yet still we find you here. I still stand by the idea that there is a gap (though perhaps smaller than it should be considering his age) on his understanding of the youth and the modern times. Somewhere I feel that there is a generation gap with his understanding of today’s political landscape that he keeps insisting on pulling all these stunts (The same applies to all other trapos out there.)   

JPE, aka Tanda, you should have quit while you were ahead. Sometime after the Corona trial when your good name was restored, I thought you were looking to leave a good impression. Somehow I thought maybe you were looking to leave an image of good legacy. You should have stopped there.

And, now look where we are? I shake my head from side to side.

And, allegedly he’s sick now. How very trapo of you, Mr. JPE.


Jinggoy, aka Sexy - To be fair, I was starting to really respect you as a legislator for the sheer reason that you were starting to make sense in these senate probes. I mean, I don’t particularly like you but at least I didn’t think of you as an airhead the way I think of other senators as airheads.

But, hey, how can I or anyone ignore the huge amount that you're involve with, with Napoles? Ironic that your dad was impeached because of plunder charges and here we are now.


Bong, aka Pogi -  Obviously, I never respected you. And, yes, you are one of those that I think of as an airhead. Not one of the things I’ve heard you say in the senate floor was of actual substance and very prominent in my mind was the memory of your ridiculous diatribe during that so called inquisition on that Hayden Kho bruhahaha (which, incidentally, is just ironic since it's been said that you have lot of extra marital affairs).

And, seriously though, I’ve a beef with senators being such airheads on the senate floor. You’d think you get elected and you stay there for a few years, you could at least read up and have intelligent opinions and statements about things – about anything remotely substantial (And NOT, decide to make a big splash over sex tapes). At least people like Jinggoy and even Trillanes make an effort. This dude, he thinks he can just be “pogi” and it’s all set. 

To be honest though, I don’t even see it. I don’t find him “pogi” at all.

A friend of mine recently told me “grabe talaga itong si Bong Revilla, he’s just the epitome of trapo, actor version.” That is, he is a trapo politically, yes, but on camera he is also the equivalent of a trapo because he keeps on doing the same old lame cheesy movies (assumed to be targeted for the masses.)

And really, his whole existence, down to his code name is all just downright cheesy and everything about him is typical of trapos, so sleazy and so epal.  

And, here we find him at the top of Napoles’ list. He’s the number 1 politician to benefit from Napoles’ scheme. As if he needs any more evidence that he is the winner of all trapo behavior. 

Binay & Zamboanga


The moment I heard of a vague notion that VP Binay wanted to be included in the Zamboanga issue, I thought: Eto nanaman... And visions of him riding an amphibian vehicle, going around the flooded streets of Makati, flashed before me.

Binay and son on the streets of flooded Makati, photo from dzmm

Suddenly, pictures of Binay’s relief goods wrapped in “office of the vice president” bags appeared online. (I was going to post them here but when I was looking for the link – Lo and Behold – they disappeared!!!)

But anyway, humor me and just imagine it… VP Binay going to Zamboanga with his son the Mayor of Makati (for that matter, what business does he, the Makati mayor, have there I wonder?), giving out relief goods in the VP's very own epal packaging… (The seal of office of the VP was printed and his full name was also printed) Then, also, insisting on being a negotiator because he says he used to be Nur Misuari's school seatmate.

First, re the epal bags: Huli ka na sa balita Mr.VP. Luma na yan. Nag trend na ang anti-epal campaign. Madami na napaso. Pero, talaga lang, gagawin mo pa din? 

I don’t know. Maybe you’d like to be a little more discreet? Print like a smaller print of your name or something on those bags, why don’t you? (Oh, how I wish I had those pictures) Really, how efficient of your team to have these bags ready, printed and available, or do you have stocks of these bags just cause you never know when tragedy might strike?

And, as for that botched ceasefire announcement… What was that?!

What’s worse than inserting yourself in a negotiation that you were not originally in, effectively undermining the people who were supposed to be legitimately doing the task --- is to insert yourself, publicly annouce a ceasefire when there was none, effectively botching it completely. 

People were confused. News outfits reported the ceasefire. The Zamboanga people had a ray of hope…. 

And then, apparently, there really was no ceasefire. What was that?!

Mr. Binay: Epic Fail.


I don’t know about you but I find the timing of this very suspicious.

While it is true that these groups have long had their grievances and have been feeling left out and what not…This is all old news.

I am not saying their claims and rants are baseless or unimportant (to be honest, I am not that informed to make a remotely knowledgeable comment on this), all I am saying is: Why now? What triggered this sudden attack?

And, what do they really want?

It seems to me their refusal to even give a sense of what they really want, what their demands are, and their continued insistence on shooting innocent people and keeping them hostage just indicates that they are out to simply make noise and make a mess of things, all while claiming to do it for religion or independence (or whatever else they claim this is about). 

I am just saying, I will not be surprised if this was instigated by all these people who are or about to be implicated in the pork barrel case. It has been reported that the captured rebels said they were promised P10-15K if they joined in on the fight. (So wow, they are even getting paid for this.)

Is it a distraction or a means to destabilize the current government or something along the lines of these conspiracies? I will not be surprised if this is really the case - if only because I cannot see what the point is of all this? 

I don't see the point. Lives lost. Neighborhoods displaced. The poor just gets poorer. And for what? 

Monday, August 26, 2013


I will admit to it, I want to wear white and at the very least drop by the march but I am otherwise occupied so I sadly can’t be there.

I support what the march stands for. It is not about anarchy, it is about citizens voicing out their cry against the pork barrel and everything it stands for.

I am just glad I have a few hours to tune into the media coverage of the march before I have to be busy again. I support the cause in spirit and will be tuning in via the internet for news and updates.

One thing to note though, apparently, a certain Mr. and Mrs. Corona were spotted trying to attend the march and was heckled, booed and driven away!

Well, HELLOOOOO what do you expect?! Mr. Corona, were you expecting everyone to open their arms and suddenly hug you since you wore white?! (Maybe he just can’t resist a themed t-shirt day? Remember he kept asking his cohorts to wear different color shirts back then?)

Unfortunately, white apparently isn’t his color. Everyone kept commenting on his man boobs. Just. Simply. Hilarious.

I still cannot believe his nerve. Seriously. 

Also, it has been said that the opposition are trying to ride on this event and make it an anti-Pnoy thing. I would like to believe that our democracy is relatively evolved than those of, say, the Arab Spring countries where opposing forces keep trying to angle for a power struggle amidst the fray and chaos. (On this note, the discussion of new democracies, the Arab Spring and it’s growing pains, should be also be discussed another day).

Let us be clear with this though: TODAY is a cry against the pork barrel and everything it represents. It is a cry for the government to do something about all of this.

TODAY is NOT a rally to bring the current administration.

The nerve of these opposition people but, I suppose, such people never sleep. I wouldn’t expect them to anyway.  

In a country where often the hot new issue makes everyone forget about the previous week's hot issue... and last week we were hit by the year's Habagat among the many major things that happened last week (and so many they were).... I'm sure the culprits are crossing their fingers and hoping we've all forgotten everything.

BUT let today's march be a reminder to you Janet Napoles: We have not forgetten you!

Let the games begin: Where in the world is Janet Napoles? 

Commentaries on issues of the week

I’ve heard these commentaries from various people I've recently spoken to. 

Some of them are funny. Some of them, I must say, worries me. 

On Snowden:

Person A (holding up a newspaper): Why is Russia so thick skinned like this, giving asylum to Snowden with their buddy buddy with the US?

On Napoles:

Person A: Stupid Napoles, she should have gotten out of the country earlier. She already was able to get so much money, why was she still staying?

ME:  Um, you know Napoles is a (alleged) criminal. We should want her to be caught.  

Person B: Well, for me, these things are ok (corruption), as long as they’re done well.


On Shootings:

ME: Oh, so you study at (insert US school)? Wait… isn’t that the one with the shooting?

Person C: Yeah, but let’s face it… All schools have shootings these days.

On Egypt:

Person D (watching CNN): O, stupid Egyptians, look now they don’t have a president. They shouldn’t have revolted, look where they are now.

ME: Well, they were revolting against a longtime dictator. I’m sure they didn’t know this would happen.
Person D: Well, they should have had thought of a replacement before they overthrew him.

ME: I think initially they were looking to the military, which they believed to be credible, to lead for a while but now there’s a power struggle and it seems the military is still inclined with the old regime.

Person D: They should have asked the old guy to stay, he’s been there for years, and he must know what he was doing.

ME: Hmm?

On Habagat

ME: Grabe naman nitong Habagat.

Person D: What’s Habagat?

ME: Hello. It’s been on the news for days.

Person E: Ah monsoon rains, ang lalim lalim pa ng term.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Filipino Pride: The Apprentice Asia & FIBA Asia

The Apprentice Asia

I used to tune in the Apprentice in its early days. I know Donald Trump can be cheesy but what can I say? The concept of a business/entrepreneurial reality show is just something that interests me despite it's potential cheesiness. 

I haven’t tuned in to any of that last few seasons though so I really didn't make a point of tuning in to the Asian version until I found out a Filipino won. I was able to watch a replay of the season finale on AXN. I must say, Jonathan Yabut makes me proud. His performance on the show was impressive and his personal story is a good one.

"you're hired"
He mentioned that he was also a fan of the show from its early days and was familiar how the game was played and so he played it well. His opponent, the Singaporean lawyer, strikes me to be very true to her roots, in that Singaporeans are seen to be more stiff and more clinical. The stereotype is that they are achievers and competitors, yes, but are also seen as too academic. During the final task and the last boardroom interview, it seemed to me that the Singaporean girl somewhat cracked and at some point she was in tears. She kept on saying she has a mix of smarts and emotions. I don’t know if that convince me. I guess, it didn’t convince Mr. Fernandes either.   

Meanwhile Jonathan Yabut mentioned that he used a brand of Filipino "diskarte" with regards to his strategy. And, really, in life and in business, it can't be all straight laced rules. Life is unpredictable, circumstances are unpredictable and certainly business is unpredictable. So, I suppose a pinch (or more so) of "diskarte" is a good thing to utilize in The Apprentice. 

Jonathan Yabut is certainly a good story. He was educated through scholarships and remained an achiever through his stints in the corporate world.  After his Apprentice win, he was quoted as saying "When I wear this Filipino flag pin, it's not because I'm too nationalistic. It's because I want to serve as that inspiration to the rest of my country that there is hope, that I represent that hope in them, sir. That despite the fact that you may be from poor beginnings, you can make it big"

I don’t know, but it’s these things, (relatively) small victories that we Filipinos also should celebrate.

I like the idea of Jonathan Yabut. His message is simple yet it is positive and it is about hope.

He is a positive representation of the country, a nice counter image to all the negative things that the world has assumed / may assume about Filipinos.


Round 2, Group E rank #1 team is the Philippines!

Must say, the sometime sports groupie that I am was quite happy that I was able to catch the game that put our team in the top spot (Philippines vs. Hong Kong) despite the fact that it was such a terribly slow and sadly pathetic game.

More than half of the time Hong Kong was playing poorly and, unfortunately, the Philippines played worse than them. For a while, I wasn’t sure what to think (because I haven’t watched any of the FIBA games so far). So I was like: Was our team so poorly formed? Why is this group of guys playing worse than UAAP teams? Isn’t this supposed to be the national team? How did we even win our other games? How did we get to round 2? So the other countries were even worse than these 2?! What is happening?!

SLOW: Hong Kong vs. Philippines 3rd Quarter - 37 vs 36 score!

Afterwards, I read online that apparently some players got injured and were sore after the Philippines vs. Qatar game. So the plan was for these star players to get reduced playing time while the other players are left to work against Hong Kong, which hasn't won a game in round 2. Unfortunately, this plan backfired when Hong Kong actually tried to play to win, even if it won't make a difference for their standing (they will be eliminated regardless).

BUT ANYWAY, it all ends well as the Philippines eventually won against Hong Kong and, as a bonus, topped Group E in round 2. So, it’s on to the Quarterfinals against Kazakhstan we go on Friday.

Little victories – is what I said that we should celebrate so, ok, let’s celebrate this first then.

First place in Group E: feels like 2nd place overall, for now.   

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Royal Baby Watch + The SONA

Royal Baby Watch

While trouble shooting my laptop and internet connection and doing some work done, I tuned into the Royal Baby coverage. I was never an enthusiast for the royals, well the current ones, though I did read my share of books and watch several shows/movies about historical British royals.

I don’t know, Prince William never did it for me. Princess Diana thrived when I was too young to care. And, I think Kate Middleton seems too (gasp) boring. I don’t even like her fashion choices (though I get it, she needs to look respectable and squeaky clean).

I’ve read some regency (embarrassed smile) romance novels recently and all I can say is, Kate, you’ve really moved on up in the world, my dear.

From a pretty townie (which likely possess average smarts and talent – just because we’ve not heard anything about her intelligence, career prospects or anything…) to a duchess and mother to the future King, you’ve so made it.  

I don’t know, I probably wouldn’t be saying this, except the mini documentary I saw made it seemed like she somewhat sought to befriend him (then again, if we were enrolled there, wouldn’t we also try to?). The editorial slant just felt mildly predatory to me, that's all, but who really knows?

And... just when you think it's over... Now, the fuss is about the baby's name.... Any bets???


So, ok, I confess, I wasn’t able to catch it. I heard it was long. And, I’ve no time to read the transcript or look into the issues in detail yet. 

photo from the Philippine Star website
I did catch a couple of programs discussing the SONA and caught some clips from the news.

I will skip commenting on the ridiculous glorified saya fashion show. (Normally, I am an enthusiast of fashion but not this time) 

Generally, everyone said it was good enough. It’s above average. Some critics even gave it high marks.

I, personally, still approve of the very Tagalog approach to it.

It has been said that the SONA was here and there. There was a lot of criticism of what was not mentioned or discussed: FOI bill, pork barrel, the South China Sea, and the sex for flight issue. Also, the Customs department got a lot of flak, Ruffy Biazon’s resignation was rejected. Hmm?

But, still, the country is on the up. From a 10 year or so decline from the previous administration, we are on the upward trend now just 2-3 years into Pnoy’s term. No matter how you look at it, it’s still an economic turnaround, even if you say that it hasn’t tricked down to the masses.  

Hey, an upward trend that still has not tricked down is still better than a downward trend that’s bringing everyone further down.   

AND I still stand by this, though I could name a few cynical people I know that would disagree, he is championing an anti-corrupt slogan and this is (you’d think it would be obvious): Good. 

Rape and Sexual Harassment in these countries

The recent stories of foreigners getting raped in India just brought these issues to the global spotlight. BUT, obviously, these things have been going on for years and years. The rape statistics in India, how the authorities treat women who report cases (allegedly they don’t react much), and how, in general, women are treated in these country, as evidenced by a long list of warnings in the country’s official website on how women who visit the country should behave and dress should attest, are all evidence of how blatantly rampant sexual harassment and rape happens in India.

Even the public outcry for that young local medical student who was gang raped in a bus, didn’t seem to do much difference. It is sad. That girl was a university student and she was with her boyfriend. It’s not like she was stupidly walking alone in the slums.

Now there is this new report, of this Norwegian woman who was raped by a guy at a hotel in Dubai and was arrested when she reported it to the police. She was charged with having sex outside of marriage. 

What?! You say. 

BUT this one isn’t particularly new either. A lot of our “sex for flight” OFW victims are also the products of such situations in the Middle East. According to a friend of mine who once worked in Saudi Arabia, that often these girls who end up taking the “sex for flight” deals are just desperate because they usually are either illegal contract workers who ran away (for whatever reason, including sexual harassment or rape) or even legal workers who also ran away (for reasons that include sexual harassment or rape as well) or OFWs who get into relationships with locals, who also end up in a similar situation (sexually harassed, raped or caught having consensual sex). Unmarried men and women are not allowed to meet up in the country, it is illegal.

My friend told me of an acquaintance of hers who accompanied a friend to go to her Arab boyfriend’s house, which was as mentioned illegal. Her friend and her boyfriend had consensual sex while she waited in the living room. Unfortunately, the guy's brother was also there. This brother saw the opportunity to brutally raped her. But though she was truly raped, she couldn’t go to the police because she knew that she would be arrested so she had no choice but to let the assault go. She had a legitimate contract job there and she had the means to go home, hence she didn’t have to go through the system or be lured into a “sex for flight” arrangement. Still, an injustice was done to her, and she still had live with it, and she had to let it go because of these barbaric, irrational and misogynistic laws in the country.  

Other OFWs aren’t so fortunate however. After suffering rape/harassment in these countries, they run to our embassy and will be further harassed by our officials and be sold, if they are desperate enough.

I don’t know why the western world is just crying out about this now? It’s long overdue and it’s not even enough. I suppose, it’s better late than never.  

Good for this Norwegian woman, she’s white and a European so she is able to get this magical pardon. For that matter, I don’t know why she’s idiotically so smiley in her news video feeds. I get it, she’s happy to be able to go home instead of being locked up in prison but CNN’s Hola Gorani verbalized what I was thinking as I watched her on TV. She was given a pardon, which means the Dubai government still deemed her guilty of a crime. She was raped yet her assailant is just as free as she is. He was, apparently, also pardoned. There was no justice done here. She was the victim yet it seems she has forgotten that. So, she’s just so smiley and full of glee on TV. Her rapist remains free as a bird, like nothing happened, except he was not convicted of rape. Hmm? 

Norwegian Victim: SMILEY
I mean, she’s got the international media attention now, perhaps the least she could do is speak out against these unjust laws. If she can’t put her rapist behind bars, she should use her bad experience to bring about international attention to the issue. Instead, she just smiles like an silly woman on TV.

Apparently, rape prosecutions in the UAE, as is the case in similar Islamic countries, to get a conviction a confession or a testimony from an adult male witness is required.

What?! If it was just you and the rapist, would he really say anything? If you were attacked while with a female friend (as is the case in the story mentioned above), your friend - she can't be a witness? When she saw the whole thing? What if you were with 10 female friends who all saw it? All of their testimonies are still invalid? Is a female's testimony that much more insignificant as a male's testimony? How does this spell logic? It does not, of course. 

Again, I say, a trip to any of these countries or even comparatively lesser conservative or close minded countries such as Egypt, where sexual harassment is likewise very common, or even Turkey, should tell any female visitor that in these countries, they are still not treating women with respect or giving them the means to get justice when they are assaulted like this, sexually harassed and raped. 

What is supposed to be thought of as common decency, common sense and simply logical for us, remains archaic, brutal, barbaric and just disgusting in a lot of parts of the world.

For all the women who lived in these places, I wish the world would do more.   

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wimbledon, a series of bizarre incidents

Mercury is in retrograde. I blame that.

Something's in the air and logic cannot explain it.

It was Nadal's defeat in round 1. Though I said, he looked injured. And, he was out in round 2 last year... so maybe that's ok. 

And then like a weird epidemic: Lots of others slipped and fall, withdrew and got unexpectedly knocked out. Azarenka, Sharapova, Tsonga, Isner.... among the many seeds that were out barely into week 1. 

And THEN: Roger was out. He was not saved from all the madness. He wasn't even injured. He didn't even play badly.

To me, it was just sheer bad luck. That is, the other guy suddenly played extraordinarily well on the day, yes, (only to be beaten badly on the next round) but based on total points, he actually just scored 1 point more than Roger on total points.

A 1 point lead in the total points?! Hardly anything that should make people cry out (again) that Roger's deteriorating nor should it mean that Roger played so badly that day - because he didn't.

Oh, Roger, to me, you're still a winner...
(photo from the official website)
Certainly, it made me feel so very sad for Roger's quarterfinal grand slam streak to be broken at his most favorite tournament, Wimbledon. AND, by 1 point only!

I still am feeling blue about it to be honest. I didn't even want to continue watching after day 3. 

As it is, everyone seems to be out now. More seeds were out soon after (like Serena, though I'm not particularly upset about that). I half expected Murray or Djokovic to bow out just to go with the trend.  

So, who are my bets now? 

I don’t feel too much about those who are left so I don't care all that much on who wins. 

But if you force me to choose... For the women's, maybe, Radwanska or Lisicki or Sloane Stevens and for the men's, maybe, someone who has never won a grand slam, someone totally new or some old timer who would make a good story out of the win. 

Must say, I am now somewhat apathetic about Wimbledon 2013. That’s all I've to say.

Ho Hum.

The Break

Actually, I did write a bunch of things that I was intending to post here about local politics, other musings, and a bunch of other opinions that no one in particular might care about.

But they’re old news now and so they're not going to get posted... 

So pardon me, I haven’t been posting. I suppose I haven’t been feeling much like posting anything lately.

Wasn't in the mood. Nothing much to say. Feelings about things went and passed by... 

Today, in between watching the news (the "Egypt Crisis") and Wimbledon (ok, maybe, I'm still too bitter to continue watching what with all the weird injuries and upsets), I was also browsing pinterest. 

Why? Well, because I like looking at bright colors, cute pictures and pretty interiors. Also, I like looking at those pinterest quotes. 

Anyway, today... I am trying to will myself to be cheery so I say... 

from pinterest

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Survey vs. Results: Why are they crying foul?

Why do they keep on saying the surveys are wrong because of the current results? Why do they say that maybe the surveys are right and the PCOS are wrong, when the surveys predicted the top 12 pretty much correctly?

The surveys had the candidates in the top 11 right. The candidate rankings that are not the same, yes, but are they really that off?

Surveys have a margin of error. Surveys are made based on sampling, it is not done on 100% of the voting population, and hence it is called “sampling”.  

Other factors that should also be considered are the alleged massaging of surveys by people with the means to do so (like conditioning areas where the surveys will be done) or the effectiveness of last minute campaign strategies and other last minute events.

Analyst all agree that UNA started strong but towards the end of the campaign period that Team Pnoy overtook UNA and ended much stronger, which was reflected in the trend seen in the surveys done.

On the last survey, it was predicted  that a 9 (Team Pnoy) vs. 3 (UNA) result is likely to happen, where the only sure bets for UNA is Nancy Binay and JV Ejercito, while the other one will be for the #12 spot (potentially: Honasan, Enrile, Zubiri or Gordon). And, isn’t it the case now? That Honasan is #12 while the others are trailing closely behind him.     

Copies of Pulse Asia Surveys:  

April 20-22, 2013

From / Click to enlarge

May 10-11, 2013 (just right before the elections)

From / Click picture to enlarge

The unpredictable Grace Poe as #1?

She ran a great campaign and it seemed all the other factors just came together for her. She was known as her father’s daughter, yes, but they say that what convinced others was also how she behaved in the debates and sorties. There she was able to show that she is sincere, that she had depth and, perhaps, that she isn’t just her father’s daughter for those where that fact just isn’t enough.

According to an article I read, the conversion rate of people who has witnessed her in debates or sorties are 2 out of 3 (not sure how they derived this number but let’s say it’s scientific). That’s about 67% of the people who get converted to become her supporter, imagine that?

I truly hope that she is for real. (Or at least, close to real)

She has always been in the top 12 in surveys. Perhaps, she just didn’t have enough machinery to massage the surveys? Perhaps, those who topped the surveys were busy fighting for the top spot and they dragged each other down, which could have pushed Grace Poe to the top spot. It’s all possible.

I took a market research class in college (just saying, that I do have some idea of the basics of surveying) and, in my opinion, the survey vs. the results are pretty close.  

Well, cause, you know: The top 12 predicted currently are in the top 12 results so far. Um, should we really be crying foul?  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Voted / Post Election Coverage

I exercised my right, for what it’s worth.

I must (somewhat embarrassingly) admit that I ended up voting for some people who I didn't want to vote for / wouldn't vote for IF I had better choices.

I was torn between voting for 12 people or just leaving the other spots blank (because I really am not convinced enough about the others). In the end, I forced myself to vote for 12. I went for "the lesser evil" ideology (I still don't know if this is a good thing) but I figured this right to vote is mine so I will just own it.

It is my right to make the stupid choices and my right to vote for the lost causes.

That is, I would rather that I make the stupid choices (at least they're my stupid choices) and not let other voters pick the remaining senators for me, which is what would happen if I don't make the choices myself and leave them blank. Get it? 

When you think about it, with only 33 choices, statistically each candidate has about 1 in 3 chances in getting in or about a 36% chance at being a senator. Factor in all the unknowns, the crazy ones, the "religious" ones, the trapos, the relatives of trapos... AND, there really isn't a lot of decent ones to choose from.



Maybe it’s because I usually vote in the afternoon that I never have a hard time voting. (And, no, my precinct isn't one of those fancy private schools. It's a public school, albeit a big clean-looking one.)

This time, lines were still short and the people were still pleasant. The PCOS in our precinct actually worked. Overall, the experience was good enough.

On other things, when you get out of your car random people still hand you sample ballots. (I just take it, partly out of curiosity.)

But I don't know if I am just a fast walker but it just didn't seem like the spot where I was given these sample ballots was 30 mins away from the voting area. Apparently, I just found out, this is the rule. So, hmm?

Snapshots of some election paraphernalia:  

Talaga lang ha: She added HanepBuhay to her printed name?
Talaga lang: Ang laki ng font!
Not so alphabetical: #32 pero nasa taas
Wonder who funded the printing of this one? Any guesses?
I call this - a sample ballot with an identity crisis (OR is it's identity just Anti-LP?)

Post Election Coverage 

The night before the midterm election, I watched ANC’s kampanya serye documentaries, one about political dynasties and the other about a politician's imaging. I really enjoyed them. They were really so well made.

Must say, I am totally psyched about all the election coverage. Call me weird but I like watching all these analysts and industry people talking about their campaigns, strategy, sociological and survey analysis, statistics, observations, and overall thoughts on the election results. To me, at least, it’s like reality TV meets sociology and anthropology meets marketing meets politics.

But other than my weird penchant for weird reality TV, I am also glad that networks now have these types of programming as I believe they owe it to the people to actually give them something more than fluff when the occasion calls for it. 

Yes, I expect the networks to also make money and supply the people with other programming that are more for entertainment and ratings (because it is a business, after all) but during times like these, I hope the networks realize that it is their simple responsibility to keep the people informed.

I once talked to a TV network employee about this and it seemed to have shocked him that I was this passionate about their then soon to be launched news channel. So far though, I’m not too keen on all their programming, considering that they keep on saying their news program is a key selling point. BUT, it still is a good starting point. At least, these programs exist and they are now more accessible to the masses.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Political Circus: Maalaala Mo Kaya , More Musicals, and Pres / VP Endorsements

Maalaala Mo Kaya

Enrile conveniently had his life story featured on MMK. JPE has been criticized for the move, showing these 2 episodes a few weeks before the elections where his son (with the same name) is running for a senatorial post.

JPE with stars of his MMK 2 part episode, Enrique Gil and Bugoy Cariño.
Photo from Jack Enrile’s Facebook page 

He should be criticized, I agree. I was just surprised there were actually people who criticized him. I mean as much as I would like to say shame on Enrile, a whole lot of other candidates have done this stunt too. And, no one particularly made a big deal out of those episodes.

The Cayatano clan comes to mind. I remember more than a few episodes featuring the Cayatanos and they actually won their posts so perhaps the MMK stunt has been quite effective.

I also remember a Miriam Santiago episode on MMK, starring Julia Clarete and Tessie Tomas, shown just before she won her current senatorial term.

What I would like to say really is: shame on all of you.

Also... JPE = Enrique Gil? OH. Please.

On this note, I would just like to say that I wonder what brand new creative plot lines emerged in these MMK episodes. I didn't see the 2 part feature. All I am saying is that his life story has been embellished so many times that no one is even enraged about it anymore. It seems people just expected it to be the norm now. 

More Musicals

The Glee Kids - Again, the most ridiculous one I’ve seen so far, in my opinion is Jack Enrile’s musical ad. WHY? There a lot of reasons why but the main reason for me is this: Jinggoy Estrada and Tirso Cruz III dancing beside Jack Enrile like they are chuwariwap dancers with GLEE expressions plastered on their faces.

Seriously, I can’t get over it. Jinggoy Estrada is already a senator. Why does he have to do this to himself? Ok, to get an ally in position, but does he really have to look that stupid? I half expected him to pull out spirit fingers. I watched him in senate probes and I began to see him in a semi respectable way for actually knowing and understanding the things that he talks about (because well, not all of them do) but now this. Dancing like a silly idiot beside Jack Enrile Jr. like a backup dancer. Um...?

And Tirso Cruz III? These days he usually gets the strict father figure role in shows and then he suddenly bursts into this goofy dance? It’s just so off.  

Imagine that: a commercial featuring a congressman in the middle, a senator at the side and a veteran actor on the other side and all of them dancing like fools with smiley Glee faces. It’s ridiculous. It’s weird. It’s sad.

Call Me Maybe? Call Me JV?  - At first I thought: OMG they didn’t go there. Then I listen closely to it again – and OMG they did go there.

Wow. JV’s TV ad actually featured the song Call Me Maybe and the tagline is actually “Let's Vote for JV”.

Wow. Wonder what Carly Rae Jepson and Justin Bieber think of that. (Wonder if they were paid some copyright fee or something for this?) 

screen cap from the the youtube video of the JV Ejercito Call Me Maybe Ad

For a split second I was thinking, how will it go? You know cause it’s a song about giving one’s number and probably hooking up. But as I listened closely, they actually changed the lyrics and included lines like “Hey, siya si JV, like ng marami, para sa bayan. Let's vote for JV

"eto na ang LIKE ng tao" --- Um, O..K...? 

In theory, the concept isn’t so bad. Is it cheesy, pandering and clearly out to capitalize on youth trends and social media? For sure. It is effective? Maybe?

At least, I would prefer to look at random kids (and security guards, a couple in their bedroom, a guy on his treadmill, and a host of other characters featured in the video) singing/dancing in these so called youtube videos than to see Jack Enrile Jr with Jinggoy and Tirso Cruz III dance around like Glee Kids. 

However, all of this it still makes me feel sad about Philippine politics: politicians dancing like Glee kids,  dressed up youtubers singing that a politician is "like ng marami".... SIGH.   

Noy Noy & Binay Goes Into Overtime

I am starting to wonder how much of the President and VP’s time is spent shooting these days. It seems they are endorsing people left and right. TV, radio, sorties… 

I mean, other ads are better than others. Though it makes me somewhat cringe sometimes when the President or the VP even have to repeat the corny taglines of whoever they endorse. 

It’s funny. It’s weird. But I guess, hey, that’s just politics.