Friday, September 27, 2013

Explosive, Not So Explosive: Jinggoy, Miriam, and the Blind Item

 So today, it all went like this: 

But seriously, I have to agree with Miriam Santiago here. This is what we get when we elect actors to the senate! Literally, we get a court of jesters creating drama here, there and everywhere. They give us quite a soap opera, don’t they?

Jinggoy’s speech wasn’t particularly explosive, actually. It was hyped to be one, but really what was that? A lame attempt to confuse people and make all this a he said she said scenario?

AND, in case any one has forgotten Jinggoy Estrada, along with his friends Revilla and Enrile voted guilty during the Corona impeachment trial. 

So, I don’t know… If Jinggoy's accusation is true then he accepted this bribe? - or appeal or incentive or whatever it is they want to call it?! So he took it then? (If so, then isn't he self incriminating himself for selling his own vote?)

And, I could also believe Miriam when she said that Enrile is behind Jinggoy’s speech and the strategy that goes with it.

BUT the bigger explosion of the day is Miriam’s blind item.

And, if it’s true that it was Enrile who funded the Zambo rebellion.

Well, wow… What a man we have here.  

People were: Hostaged. Killed. Raped. Starved. Displaced. Terrorized…

All that, so he can pretend to have high blood and hide inside a hospital? So he can hold on to more power in his remaining years?

And, the Zamboanga siege is still on going and the lives of the people who would survive would forever be changed. (And this is no drama, this is reality.)

We have not even talked about the rebels who were recruited under false pretense. Those who were promised money/jobs/other items or told that they will only do minor task and not actually participate in the violence. These people who are now branded as rebels didn’t even believe in the so called cause their rebellion was allegedly for.

There are no words that can be said for commanding a senseless rebellion, knowingly sending innocent and even not so innocent men into their deaths, just because you can and just because it serves your purpose.

No words, perhaps, but karma.


On a side note:

-         -  Funny, how the mega star reacted via tweet as expected, quite outrageously and defensively.

-         - And, the man who refuses to fade away with dignity takes the opportunity to make another appearance in the media: Mr. Corona says that Jinggoy has vindicated him. Ok dude, whatever. 

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