Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Word to the Wise, Clichés, Self Help and Other Words of Wisdom

1. What I have learned (and unfortunately have forgotten) and have relearned recently is this:

Most people who keep on trying to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself, are usually people who are projecting their own insecurities and issues on you.

They are just so busy convincing themselves, and you, that they are better than you. Do not allow them to do so. Do not allow them to make you believe there is something wrong with you, when there is none.

2. People have different definitions of success, happiness and making it. 

People should stop making other people feel bad about themselves just because what they want out of life is different from theirs.

“To each his own” as they say.

3. Respect – is another word these people need to learn to live by. 

4. More listening, less judging, please.

5. People who can’t handle looking at other people should just stop looking.

Stop the envy, the jealousy, and the bitterness. Most of all (again), stop projecting your own insecurity or whatever it is you are dealing with to others.

Growing up, I’ve had relatives and classmates who always felt that they should be better than me. Whatever I had or did, or was, they had to be better or they had to beat it.

Half of the time I fought back, simply because they were annoying. Like what is up with these people who can’t even give you anything? They had to always have it all, don’t they?

Half of the time, I just wanted them to stop. Like, leave it be, please. Can’t I just do things without these people hovering and thinking of ways on how they can beat me out of whatever it is? Seriously, I just want to exist on my own, in peace, and not be some mark that these people have to measure themselves against on all the time. 

I’ve always thought these people will never "win" because there will always be someone who is better at something in everything and so they won’t stop and won’t ever be truly happy.

However, I still wish that these people would learn to just leave you alone. You don’t want to be their yardstick. You never volunteered. It's not like you knowingly and willingly engaged in these competitions against them.  

Or, if they want to keep using you as their yardstick, can they just please do this in silence, alone, without bothering you? No sabotaging, no backbiting, no back stabbing, no putting you down, no bad vibes…  

If they can be bitter in silence, far away… Ok then, they can do that. It’s a free world.

6. People should learn to be happy for others.

Simply: I’ve always wished that more people would learn to truly be happy for others despite the status of their lives.

7.  More Words:

Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. 

The Buddist concept of mudita "sympathetic joy" or "happiness in another's good fortune," is cited as an example of the opposite of schadenfreude

Alternatively, envy, which is unhappiness in another's good fortune, could be considered the counterpart of schadenfreude.

Completing the quartet is "unhappiness at another's misfortune"—which can be called sympathy, pity, or compassion. 

8. Stop wearing the victim shirt.

There was a time in my life when things were down and I would always say: I refuse to be a victim. Sometime a few years ago, due to various reasons, I forgot I was the same person.

My friend was telling me about this self help book that she was reading and one of the steps told her to stop wearing the victim shirt.

I agree, this is true. People should stop wearing the victim shirt.

Though the book talked about various types of victims. One of them is the valid victim that refused to let things go.  In any case, valid of a victim you may be, you will continue to be one if are unable to let go. And so you have to.  

9. Learn to embrace yourself. Learn to love yourself.

Cliché as this statement might be, all I am saying that if I am able to completely embrace and love myself, I think, there (would have been, and ) will be a world of difference. 

10. Well... 

I suppose,  it is a person's choice if he/she decides to be successfully miserable in life.  

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