Monday, January 2, 2012

Korean and English Periods

(A delayed) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Despite the series of sleepless nights over the holidays, I found the time to indulge myself and watch some backlog episodes of shows that I follow and have also found some time to discover some new series, such as these two period series I've watched over the break:

1. Korean series The Princess Man

A really really good Korean drama series. It definitely is not your ordinary girl meets boy fanfare. It is epic. It is fast paced, never a dull moment with every plot twist. There was conspiracy, plotting, passion, comedy, irony... and a dash of everything else you could probably think of that makes a good period series. The characters had depth. Their motivations were based on honor, cause and duty. None of the acts were truly frivolous. And it should be noted that I’ve read that the drama was pretty historically accurate, which, for me, is an important factor.

All throughout the series, which was 24 episodes long, I was riveted. Despite having been hyped as being a Korean Romeo and Juliet story set in the Chosun era, I was glad that it didn’t end on such a tragic note. While the drama was more King Lear than Romeo and Juliet, the ending took a plot line out of Jane Eyre. Perhaps it would be too much of a fairy tale to let them lived happily ever after...? Despite the not so tragic ending, which was an improvement from what everyone expected, that is to have both of them die, I still wanted them to get the typical happy ending, even if it lessens the impact of the finale.

Hey, I just want that typical (corny and fluffy) romantic comedy ending because don’t we usually watch these things to escape the sad realities of life? So, I wouldn’t really mind it, if the king get some bad karma and he’s suddenly overthrown (though this would be historically inaccurate), and the princess and her non-visually impaired man get to sweetly live happily ever after in some la la land. I would preferred this ending though I get it why the makers decided against it. (As I've said, it would be typical, corny, and fluffy.)

2. British series Downton Abbey, season 1

My friend told me that this was a British period version of Gossip Girl, actually, it is not. To say that would diminish the value of Downton Abbey, like calling it guilty pleasure crack when it really is more than that.

The scenes, characters, and storylines are painted so well, I am rather upset that each season only has 7-8 episodes, which means that each episode represents weeks or months that sometimes just blurs the timeline for me.

Season 1 starts at the time frame of the Titanic sinking and ends just before World War 1. The show portrays the drama and events in Downton Abbey, the estate of the Earl and Countess of the place. My favorite character so far is Mary and I am hoping she ends up with Matthew, a very typical choice as they are, after all, the main characters of the show (at least for me, they are the stars).

I am looking forward to watching season 2 and the upcoming season 3 very soon. Definitely loving this series so far.


It’s probably slightly odd but I really enjoy these British series and I've actually watched a lot of them. Actually, it's probably not as weird as enjoying Korean period dramas, right?! And, I have actually watched a few as well.

Well, here's to more good series, movies and books for 2012!

However, its the start of the new year and I've procrastinated so much already in the interest of giving myself a respectable and enjoyable holiday season. Time to do some responsible work.

A very late Merry Christmas and big cheers to 2012! I hope for it to be a good one!

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