Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 2: So let the battle begin!

My mind cannot actually concentrate and think straight since I have been trying to (but not succeeding) finish all my backlog work and tasks, work on my paper, and simultaneously tune into the SCJ trial and the Australian Open.

As I continue to mix my paper references and try to remember where I read which economic forecasts, I wish that I could tune in to the SJC trial some more, which has been dubbed by lawyer friend of mine as porn for lawyers. But as Senator Santiago confirmed earlier today, it was so far still boring – so maybe I wasn’t missing too much.

It's week 2 though, I am hoping things would pick up...

Just some things here and there that I've picked up (as I work while the TV is on):

The New Defense People

Just when people start to think that, that Horn-Bautista is going nuts talking about those attempts on the little girl's, aka GMA’s, life, who is this new Atty. Karen Woman now? What’s the point of having her, there really? She’s not even part of the defense team. I suppose they need another woman lawyer for PR/image/appearance sake.

Hey, she is pretty, forget about her degree. She plays a woman and it kinda works. (these people really... jeez.)

I was just watching an interview of her the other day. She said something like sometimes she’s not sure as to what to say when reporters come up to ask her questions since she’s not part of the defense team.

Ok, she admits that (as a spokesperson and an actual lawyer) that she doesn't know what to say because she's not part of the team.

So, what’s the point of her existence in this whole circus then?

What I caught from the presscon today was something about a mob rule that this Dean Salvador person has been talking about.

It’s a publicized impeachment trial, are you expecting it to be like some super silent serious affair where everyone knows legal Latin jargons, the citizens won’t have any opinions and everyone would think it’s not fishy when the Supreme Court Justice gets the position through a midnight appointment and now he has all these properties.... Are you expecting that the media can't ask questions and cannot televised these interviews? When everyone is doing press conferences and allowing the media to take video footage? Mob rule, whatever...!

I know that it’s their job to do all this. These defense people are not dumb. They’re all saying these things deliberately. But listening to all the mumbo jumbo of the defense is enough to give any one with some semblance of a brain, a headache.

That is, I don’t even have much time to tune into the SJC trial and I’m already annoyed. Even on small doses these people are so nauseating.

Senator Miriam

It’s like when a reality show hits mid season and the producers injects a new participant in the mix, a wildcard that was previously voted out, a crazy previous season character or some special guest to the big brother house… So, here we have it - Senator Miriam is now in the mix to spice things up!

She said she would rather swim in the Bermuda triangle than be in the trial, but hey, who cares? She may say these wild things just to get attention (or she just says them, and then gets the attention anyway), but she at least knows what’s going on and what she says are mostly valid. And, I’d take her crazy statements - at least they’re entertaining.

Role Reversals

I am, however, hoping that the prosecution’s dullness is just some strategy, although, it’s probably not. They obviously are not seasoned litigators and so that’s just the way it is, I guess.

If I, someone who's gained all her legal knowledge from lawyer shows, already think they're doing such a bland job... What more, everyone else who knows their legal stuff? What more, the opposing side?

How come the team that’s supposedly working pro bono, allegedly volunteers, are looking just so professional and super ready all the time, while the prosecution team’s work keep looking like they’re the ones who’s working for free?

The National Language

At first, all these clowns keep using Latin words and pushing for more TV facetime. Now everyone is trying to go Tagalog.

I know I said I applaud those officials who knows their Tagalog but all I can say is this: Just speak in whatever language you can.

Don’t try to speak Tagalog, if you really cannot do it. Otherwise you’ll just end up being incoherent or making up words that do not exist. It bothers me when I hear some of them make stuff up and Filipin-ize words.

The Aussie Open

Don’t have time to say much about the Australian Open. I tune in, but I'm running out of time vs. my deadlines.

So, all I can say is: I’m very very very happy that Roger Federer and Kim Clijsters are through to the semis!


So, that’s that… When it rains, it pours and my attention span just can’t cope anymore...

Off to do more work now...

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