Friday, January 6, 2012

2012: Mayan Prophecies and Zakarian Predictions

Mayan Prophecies

A few years ago I went to Mexico for my cousin’s wedding in a resort in the Mayan Riviera, naturally I also did some touristic activities such as visited the infamous Chitchen Itza. I also bought a book on Mayan Prophecies because I was curious and because I once saw a documentary in college about the Mayan civilization and the Mayan calendar that predicted the end of the world. That is, if I’m not mistaken, the Mayan prophecy said it will happen in 2012. I bought the book in 2008 and covered in a pile of other book, I still haven’t read it until now!

Last year was rough. It was extraordinarily marred by chaos, instability, financial crisis, political bickering, uprisings, and natural calamities. Some days, it makes you think, maybe the end is near. Then again, if you lived through the world wars, maybe, you would think so too at that time. Still, last year there were a couple of end of the world predictions by some cult groups (or I’m not actually sure what to call them). And, now the real 2012 has come.

I have not seen the movie but I have seen the hilarious take of Community on the end of days. I think it was the Halloween episode of the second season that had everyone eat some toxic food at the school costume party. They all went nuts, behaved like zombies and believed that the end was near.


So, I've just browsed my Mayan Prophecy book and I’m not sure if much of it makes sense to me. Some parts seem believable enough such as the prophecy about world temperature rising, ice caps melting, conflicts of religions and wars in some areas, while others such as a rise of humans who will be able to communicate through thoughts or read minds seem far fetched.

Reading people’s minds, maybe this is symbolic of something? Such as people nowadays post everything, what they are doing, where they are, who they are with, what they are feeling and what their opinions are… Really, it’s like everyone can read everything and know everything about anyone, right?!

Zakarian Predictions

There really have been so many 2011 recaps, top 10s, and other rankings/summaries that I haven’t had the chance to focus on any of them.

I've wanted to read all the links and watch all the TV specials but with everything that was going on over the holidays, I wasn't able to.

But the other day, I caught a replay of Fareed Zakaria’s GPS New Year episode. I am a fan, though I haven’t had the time to religiously watch his shows lately. Just like I have not been tuning it to The Daily Show. (So sorry, Jon Stewart!)

Well, he still says he thinks the US and Europe would still move up.

Fareed Zakaria says:

"Believe it or not, I'm going to double down on my bets. I might have got the timing wrong, but I think I have the substance right. Europe will deal with its problems - not in a clean dramatic way, perhaps, not in the way that I had thought it would, but through various complex mechanisms that involve the stability fund, the European Central Bank and perhaps some kind of bond insurance."

"I remain convinced that Germany will not let Europe fall apart. If things get too dangerous, Germany will write the checks. It's just trying to get the best deal it can - it's try to get the most reforms from countries like Greece and Italy - before it does write those checks.

As for America: I'm still bullish. I think the American economy continues to have great strengths.

Consumers have rebuilt their balance sheets somewhat. The savings rate has gone from near zero to over 3.5%. Corporations are flush with cash. Yes, Washington remains dysfunctional, but remember there's a new dynamic at work even there. If congress does nothing - something it does very well - there are two sequestrations that take place. One cuts spending by $1.2 trillion and one raises taxes by $3.9 trillion. Remember, the Bush tax cuts expire if Congress does nothing, so all of the sudden there are pressures that bring the budget deficit down.

So the budget deficit problem could get solved - albeit in a blunt, crude way, but maybe that's how democracy works."

He also says that the key places to watch are Italy, Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. Everyone would more or less know why these places would be critical in world affairs this year.

While things are so chaotic these days that it's feels like we've found an offshoot of reality TV in CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera, no one would want the world to go completely unstable. I suppose if the US and Euro crisis doesn't plunge further it would still be good for all of us, just by virtue of the world will not be turned upside down.

Meanwhile, Mexico is making the most out of this 2012 publicity and using it as a tool to promote its tourism. How clever, right? See, every country seems to be finding ways and angles to market itself, why can't we find something, anything, about ourselves (other than the alleged sex tourism) to reel visitors in?

Mexico says that 2012 isn't about end of the world, it is a time of renewal and a sign of hope, and they will have a 1 year long celebration. Well, why not?

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