Thursday, April 3, 2014

Updates / Updates


For days / weeks, I was glued to the screen even when let’s face it nothing was really happening and every scrap of small lead was turned into a sensation by CNN American (obviously I am annoyed with CNN International’s US counterpart – they pander too much, they dumb it down too much and they usually have these very American unworldly reactions to things).

Yet I continued to watch the coverage even if it was all becoming like a surreal episode of Lost, a show that also started out as compelling and eventually became so dragging that you had wondered when they will ever get off the freaking island.

Incidentally, the Lost people were flying out of Australia when they got lost... and well, you know, MH307 is allegedly somewhere near Australia as well.

Are we to imagine the passengers are slumming somewhere on an island? 
Last week, authorities declared the plane to be somewhere in the Indian ocean and that everyone is dead. How and why they are there, they have not yet actually figured out. 

Then a few days after, there were some buzz about there is still hope... (Um, what is it really?!)

Obviously, what happened is not typical of a airplane malfunction or a terrorist attack and all this is certainly strange. The conspiracy theorist in me has my antenna twitching. BUT what can we really do but wait and listen what the media will feed us next?

*Update: Well, as of now, there are still no signs of the plane and the investigation as well as the media announcements have gone everywhere – like, really, everywhere  (fake passports, pilot is an activist, the other pilot lets people inside the cockpit, plane/machine error, sabotage, hijacking, low altitude flying, radar avoidance, psychological issues, lithium batteries exploding, etc. / Vietnam, Malacca, Indian Ocean, etc.). 

In the words of my friend – I feel like they are only deluding themselves and that all that they are looking at are images of trash. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be too far from the truth.

I know it’s all unprecedented and it's hard to comb the ocean for debris but these days I don’t even listen too intently anymore. I have lost patience with this so called investigation. It is one thing to have a couple of initial theories disproved with valid data and another thing when things keep changing from all directions, from left to right and for the authorities to keep on contradicting themselves. 

And in the words of my aunt - these experts doesn't seem like experts at all if their theories keep on going from one point to another. Well, I couldn't agree more. 

What I don't get is why the authorities keep on announcing things that they haven't really confirmed? Why do they keep announcing things then later contradict themselves? If they are not sure, then they are not sure, why even announce it as fact? Is there really some cover up here? I am not sure as to what direction I should speculate but the more things become blurry like this, the more it all sounds fishy. 

So, until a lead is truly a lead - should we still be listening?

Indian Wells (late post) 

Yes, Federer made the Indian Well finals and lost to Djokovic. However, I am not so upset about that as it was clearly a very close game that could have gone either way.

Unfortunately, I was not able to watch it on TV as the cable TV here do not prioritize games unless they are of the basketball variety.

Let me use up this moment to complain and rant: BASKETBALL is NOT the ONLY sport people in this country watch! 

In fact, while I will cheer for my college basketball team, I do not watch the PBA or the NBA. I watch a variety of other sports and I demand my market to be served! AND, I believe I am quite valid in my demand as I truly am the market - I watch a lot of TV, do I not?


So, where are we now? The voting has happened. Russian has now taken Crimea. EU/US has announced sanctions. Ukraine is now hostile to Russia. So now what?

Peace Process

To be honest, I am not sure how everything is  going… BUT I am hoping that it will all go well. I would just like to note that despite all the bruhahaha of MH307 at least the Malaysian PM found the time to come visit us and help us out with this.

Pork Barrel

Wait a minute, where are we now? I honestly got lost.  Lots of people talking crap... (He said / she said, You must also investigate the pro government people, the witnesses are the real criminals, yada yada yada...)  BUT wait… WHERE in the world is Sen. Bong Revilla and Sen. Jinggoy Estrada now? Why – they are out of the country… Oh, I wonder why? 

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