Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Double Pope Canonization, a Marketing Success!

I have liked Pope Francis for a while now, I’ve mentioned this. But among the many other things I like about him, I would add this: he has a head for marketing!  Or he is just a natural at being "likeable" or at being in the business of making over the Church into something very friendly.

What a campaign. First off, we have a new likeable Pope who commutes, ride bikes, slums with the masses, and accepts gay people. Then he decides to canonize two other popular and friendly Popes in this trifecta of Catholic Pope Sainthood Extravaganza!  

source: the salt and light tv site
Masses of Catholics flock to the Vatican. Social media pages for this are set up! (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube…. They had it all.) They are streaming the canonization online. How very modern of the Church. How very anti of an archaic image.

from cnn.com
Old devotees (via fans of 2 Popes for sainthood) – check. Youth (via social media campaign) - check.  

In addition, they held mini remote events for Catholic countries where relics of the Popes and saints were toured! (I chanced upon it at the Eastwood Mall the other day.) Talk about bringing the event closer to the people. 

How efficient and well thought of was all that? I mean, I didn’t even plan to see these relics and there it was right in front of me that I can’t not go and see it. It was after a novelty, traveling relics and all that. And, there was no entrance fee since the Church is supposed to be an open house, is it not?
Such good publicity, I just can’t get over it. 3 well liked Popes, celebrated in one big worldwide event, it cannot get any better than that.  Good job, Pope Francis!

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