Thursday, April 3, 2014

RIP Will Gardner (late post)

WHAT THE…?! It definitely threw me off. I was so shocked. I was so dumbfounded. I am still utterly devastated.

It just came out of no where. I am still shocked. 

screen cap from the show
I was just saying last (last) week that no matter how I enjoy Suits, The Good Wife is still my favorite (current) lawyer show. And, I really look forward to Monday nights when I can get my regular dose of the show – UNTIL TODAY (March 24, 2014)  – when they killed off Will… WHAT WAS THAT?!!!

I know people (or the show runners) will say that this will make the show better, that it is a brave show and such a crafty show that it can kill of a lead character in such a shocking way. I know, it has been done in other shows (and has worked for some shows) but this trick has been done over and over and over… AND, I do not care, I just don't want them to kill Will!!!

Call me a cheeseball but like Mindy (Lahiri), I also watch shows for their entertainment value ( and their cheesy love angles) as much for their intellectual value. AND, I was quite happy with the Will Gadner / Alicia Florrick love story.

AND, since they were killing him off anyway, why couldn't they have at least exhausted all the possible lovey dovey storylines they could have churned out for Will and Alicia? INSTEAD, they spent the entire season (albeit it was a good season), tearing Will and Alicia apart. I am devastated. They parted on such bad terms and only these last 2 episodes did they got back to somewhat friendly terms but barely. AND then he dies! I just cannot take it.

Alicia finds out Will is dead (screen cap from the show)
Pardon my obvious violent reaction. I am grieving.

The Good Wife, you pulled a Downton Abbey on me! AND post Matthew, I don’t believe Downton Abbey was particularly that good anymore. And while I believe The Good Wife is a great show and have faith that they will keep it good, I still can’t say, at least for me, if it will still be the same without Will. He is one of the reasons I watch the show. His relationship with Alicia is one of the major reasons why I watch the show. Why don’t they just shoot Peter Florrick?! I liked Mr. Big on Sex and the City (though on hindsight I think about it and I now wonder why) BUT I really can’t stand Peter Florrick. Even if he is technically inside the body of Mr. Big, it’s just not working for me.

I would pray, beg and hope for the showrunners to decide to bring Will back to life, like maybe fans will go crazy and start sending random items to the studio in protest (though I doubt this since the show's target market aren't really crazy tweens or comic con people)  – except they truly killed him, showed his body bloody, covered by a sheet and everything. It’s not like it was a grey area type of killing. It wasn't like he got lost at sea (that he may return) or his plane exploded (like in Revenge when Victoria apparently never got inside the plane). It's not like this is a supernatural show (like in Heroes where no body actually dies)… So, Will is very dead. And, again, I say, I am very upset.  

Update: I have now seen the episode after the shocking episode featuring Will's death. I don't know. It's still good. I get it, how something like this is a good plot device. I get it, how something like this will make a big impact on Alicia and the other characters. But... I still don't like it. I don't think my experience of watching The Good Wife will ever be the same. 

Josh Charles, why do you have to decide to pursue other things? Why?

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