Sunday, May 5, 2013

Big Gulp Election: Survey Says

I remember this marketing move being featured on CNN way back when Obama was merely a presidentiable in the US. I thought the idea was cute then. 

Today I went to a 7-Eleven and took this photo:

Photo by: My Left and Right Brain

Based on this sample, it seems the Team Pnoy cups are sold out (what would have been stacked on the left most column) and the Una cups (middle column) are even selling less than the “3rd Party” cups (right most column)…

Is this an accurate picture of the pulse of the masses? More accurate than the often insulted and discredited SWS surveys?

Probably isn't the most scientific way of sampling...

I mean, what if Team Pnoy supporters are just thirstier than others and they bought 2 drinks each? Or, what about the other simply thirsty Team Pnoy customers who had to just pick a cup (Una or Independent) just so they could just drink when the yellow cups ran out. Then again, what if there was some supply problems with the yellow cups and they just weren't available to begin with (and are not sold out as the picture made me to believe)?

Anyway, who really knows?

Still, I wonder...

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