Friday, September 27, 2013

Explosive, Not So Explosive: Jinggoy, Miriam, and the Blind Item

 So today, it all went like this: 

But seriously, I have to agree with Miriam Santiago here. This is what we get when we elect actors to the senate! Literally, we get a court of jesters creating drama here, there and everywhere. They give us quite a soap opera, don’t they?

Jinggoy’s speech wasn’t particularly explosive, actually. It was hyped to be one, but really what was that? A lame attempt to confuse people and make all this a he said she said scenario?

AND, in case any one has forgotten Jinggoy Estrada, along with his friends Revilla and Enrile voted guilty during the Corona impeachment trial. 

So, I don’t know… If Jinggoy's accusation is true then he accepted this bribe? - or appeal or incentive or whatever it is they want to call it?! So he took it then? (If so, then isn't he self incriminating himself for selling his own vote?)

And, I could also believe Miriam when she said that Enrile is behind Jinggoy’s speech and the strategy that goes with it.

BUT the bigger explosion of the day is Miriam’s blind item.

And, if it’s true that it was Enrile who funded the Zambo rebellion.

Well, wow… What a man we have here.  

People were: Hostaged. Killed. Raped. Starved. Displaced. Terrorized…

All that, so he can pretend to have high blood and hide inside a hospital? So he can hold on to more power in his remaining years?

And, the Zamboanga siege is still on going and the lives of the people who would survive would forever be changed. (And this is no drama, this is reality.)

We have not even talked about the rebels who were recruited under false pretense. Those who were promised money/jobs/other items or told that they will only do minor task and not actually participate in the violence. These people who are now branded as rebels didn’t even believe in the so called cause their rebellion was allegedly for.

There are no words that can be said for commanding a senseless rebellion, knowingly sending innocent and even not so innocent men into their deaths, just because you can and just because it serves your purpose.

No words, perhaps, but karma.


On a side note:

-         -  Funny, how the mega star reacted via tweet as expected, quite outrageously and defensively.

-         - And, the man who refuses to fade away with dignity takes the opportunity to make another appearance in the media: Mr. Corona says that Jinggoy has vindicated him. Ok dude, whatever. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tanda, Sexy and Pogi

How funny these code names are not even clever or inconspicuous. They read like a gossip rag blind item alias. Just classy, isn’t it?

Anyway... What is there to say? I’m not surprised these three are in cahoots with Napoles. What is there to be surprised about? I never saw them as saints.

15 boxes of evidence on the PDAF case and on the 3 senators, pic from inquirer


Oh JPE, you and your clever mind and yet still we find you here. I still stand by the idea that there is a gap (though perhaps smaller than it should be considering his age) on his understanding of the youth and the modern times. Somewhere I feel that there is a generation gap with his understanding of today’s political landscape that he keeps insisting on pulling all these stunts (The same applies to all other trapos out there.)   

JPE, aka Tanda, you should have quit while you were ahead. Sometime after the Corona trial when your good name was restored, I thought you were looking to leave a good impression. Somehow I thought maybe you were looking to leave an image of good legacy. You should have stopped there.

And, now look where we are? I shake my head from side to side.

And, allegedly he’s sick now. How very trapo of you, Mr. JPE.


Jinggoy, aka Sexy - To be fair, I was starting to really respect you as a legislator for the sheer reason that you were starting to make sense in these senate probes. I mean, I don’t particularly like you but at least I didn’t think of you as an airhead the way I think of other senators as airheads.

But, hey, how can I or anyone ignore the huge amount that you're involve with, with Napoles? Ironic that your dad was impeached because of plunder charges and here we are now.


Bong, aka Pogi -  Obviously, I never respected you. And, yes, you are one of those that I think of as an airhead. Not one of the things I’ve heard you say in the senate floor was of actual substance and very prominent in my mind was the memory of your ridiculous diatribe during that so called inquisition on that Hayden Kho bruhahaha (which, incidentally, is just ironic since it's been said that you have lot of extra marital affairs).

And, seriously though, I’ve a beef with senators being such airheads on the senate floor. You’d think you get elected and you stay there for a few years, you could at least read up and have intelligent opinions and statements about things – about anything remotely substantial (And NOT, decide to make a big splash over sex tapes). At least people like Jinggoy and even Trillanes make an effort. This dude, he thinks he can just be “pogi” and it’s all set. 

To be honest though, I don’t even see it. I don’t find him “pogi” at all.

A friend of mine recently told me “grabe talaga itong si Bong Revilla, he’s just the epitome of trapo, actor version.” That is, he is a trapo politically, yes, but on camera he is also the equivalent of a trapo because he keeps on doing the same old lame cheesy movies (assumed to be targeted for the masses.)

And really, his whole existence, down to his code name is all just downright cheesy and everything about him is typical of trapos, so sleazy and so epal.  

And, here we find him at the top of Napoles’ list. He’s the number 1 politician to benefit from Napoles’ scheme. As if he needs any more evidence that he is the winner of all trapo behavior. 

Binay & Zamboanga


The moment I heard of a vague notion that VP Binay wanted to be included in the Zamboanga issue, I thought: Eto nanaman... And visions of him riding an amphibian vehicle, going around the flooded streets of Makati, flashed before me.

Binay and son on the streets of flooded Makati, photo from dzmm

Suddenly, pictures of Binay’s relief goods wrapped in “office of the vice president” bags appeared online. (I was going to post them here but when I was looking for the link – Lo and Behold – they disappeared!!!)

But anyway, humor me and just imagine it… VP Binay going to Zamboanga with his son the Mayor of Makati (for that matter, what business does he, the Makati mayor, have there I wonder?), giving out relief goods in the VP's very own epal packaging… (The seal of office of the VP was printed and his full name was also printed) Then, also, insisting on being a negotiator because he says he used to be Nur Misuari's school seatmate.

First, re the epal bags: Huli ka na sa balita Mr.VP. Luma na yan. Nag trend na ang anti-epal campaign. Madami na napaso. Pero, talaga lang, gagawin mo pa din? 

I don’t know. Maybe you’d like to be a little more discreet? Print like a smaller print of your name or something on those bags, why don’t you? (Oh, how I wish I had those pictures) Really, how efficient of your team to have these bags ready, printed and available, or do you have stocks of these bags just cause you never know when tragedy might strike?

And, as for that botched ceasefire announcement… What was that?!

What’s worse than inserting yourself in a negotiation that you were not originally in, effectively undermining the people who were supposed to be legitimately doing the task --- is to insert yourself, publicly annouce a ceasefire when there was none, effectively botching it completely. 

People were confused. News outfits reported the ceasefire. The Zamboanga people had a ray of hope…. 

And then, apparently, there really was no ceasefire. What was that?!

Mr. Binay: Epic Fail.


I don’t know about you but I find the timing of this very suspicious.

While it is true that these groups have long had their grievances and have been feeling left out and what not…This is all old news.

I am not saying their claims and rants are baseless or unimportant (to be honest, I am not that informed to make a remotely knowledgeable comment on this), all I am saying is: Why now? What triggered this sudden attack?

And, what do they really want?

It seems to me their refusal to even give a sense of what they really want, what their demands are, and their continued insistence on shooting innocent people and keeping them hostage just indicates that they are out to simply make noise and make a mess of things, all while claiming to do it for religion or independence (or whatever else they claim this is about). 

I am just saying, I will not be surprised if this was instigated by all these people who are or about to be implicated in the pork barrel case. It has been reported that the captured rebels said they were promised P10-15K if they joined in on the fight. (So wow, they are even getting paid for this.)

Is it a distraction or a means to destabilize the current government or something along the lines of these conspiracies? I will not be surprised if this is really the case - if only because I cannot see what the point is of all this? 

I don't see the point. Lives lost. Neighborhoods displaced. The poor just gets poorer. And for what?