Thursday, December 6, 2012

The RUNDOWN or Not + the Holidays

I still do have some more things to say about the recent happens of life, only I have been off for like so long, so many things have happened and I don’t think I even have the energy to be angst, analytic and rational about all of it.

But in the spirit of catching up, I will lamely do this:

The whole Sotto – Kennedy debacle: Oh please Sotto, if you followed my first advice and just shut up, now where would you be? Forgotten, which is like so much better than being you right now.

Quite impressed by Michael Syjuco being able to urge Kennedy’s daughter to write about Sotto and still unbelievably shocked that Sotto had the audacity to blotch his apology / non-apology to Kennedy’s daughter.

AND as for Enrile: Mocking plagiarism, siding with Sotto (come on!?!) and then turning his statement around. Writing an autobiography with some creative embellishments - senile, crafty, or just unbelievably thick skinned? Stating that he is against the RH bill because the OFWs are our biggest export like the country should just be a manufacturing mill for humans, come on?!? Shame!

Then again, it’s as if any of them are actually capable of an ounce of shame.

To Sotto and Enrile, I say to you guys: A Big Fat WHATEVER!

On early campaign ads: Roll My Eyes. But hey, I'm sure there will be people who will be convinced by these ads. The are not called the masses for nothing. They matter in campaign times and pander them every politician will.

AND, oh please... on the lame endorsements of lame unknown brands just so these policians can put their faces on billboards and the back of taxis. I should maybe tap a politician or two for some products I sell, maybe I'll hit it big via their willing endorsements. Maybe, I can get some of them for free. Hmm?

Party Lists: It's just a given, the system has been abused. Willie Revillame attempts to headline for a partylist, enough said.

Get a catchy acronym y'all, that's all it takes to get voted in, unfortunately.

Israel and Palestine – at war again, and then they were not, and then Palestine gets UN statehood. AND, the Philippines voted for this decision. Interesting.

Egypt – I truly pity the revolutionary people of Egypt. It’s been a year. I distinctly remember that day when they thought they've won and have truly overthrown Mubarak from power. Mubarak might not be the president of Egypt right now but the country’s current state is far from the idealistic democracy they people had aimed to achieve. The country under Morsi right now is shady at best and all this maneuvering for more control, smells and feels as shady as our very own cybercrime bill. Poor people of Egypt, its either Morsi’s people or the old regime’s loyalists, and it seems neither option is actually an acceptable one.

The other day the Supreme Court judges put their judgment on the whole constitution issue on hold. Now Morsi’s advisers have just resigned (just saw this on tv).

So let’s see: The Arab Spring experiment in theory is a victory for idealistic freedom. In actuality, it has left the people in tatters and in chaos as various factions with competing interests dive in to struggle for control in the midst of the power vacuum.  The US is once again in this “fiscal cliff”. The EU is still in financial chaos as more and more countries struggle, as people rally against austerity measures, as Germany hangs on, and the Greeks demand for debt write offs. The Euro is declared a failed experiment. The USD exchange rate against the Peso plunges further.

Wonder what’s going to happen next?

Meanwhile: The PH’s GDP goes up higher than predicted (7.1%) and the stock market is still predicted to trend upwards (6000s by end of the year). Hmm?

The Maguindanao massacre victims are still not given due justice. The FOI bill and the RH bill still haven’t been passed. The cybercrime bill is currently under TRO.

And, another end of the year massive typhoon hits Mindanao killing hundreds. So, the world’s climate is indeed going further into chaos as well.

So Christmas: Am I feeling it? I must admit, I am not.

This being said, I am basking in the inevitable lack of productiveness of the season and the inevitable overload of social gatherings. And, hey, I will roll with it.

So, 2012I've read a couple of books on it. I am hoping that all the cleansing happens already and we start 2013 all on our way up, please!

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