Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Media presents: Gordon vs. Gordon

Less than one week to go and so much more could happen in this circus we call local politics... And, I am choosing to sit back, relax, and wait... in partial anticipation.

In the meantime, there's nothing to do but accept the unending supply of "entertainment"...

Interesting to note, at least, that more are entertained by the stretch of crazy that we call a campaign period. (And, it’s the University of Nottingham, no less).

Filipino voters expect to be ‘charmed and entertained’ by their candidates. Surely UK elections would be less tedious if we demanded the same? Gordon Brown, take note...” – Nottingham Blog

I’ve tuned into UK politics for a while when Tony Blair was the prime minister. I still believe he was good for the image of UK's international relations. But it’s true, Gordon Brown, is known for being, well, less entertaining than some…

Exhibit A

Gordon Brown discusses Science Funding on a Facebook Digital debate:


Dick Gordon performs The Lion Sleeps tonight with Momoy Palaboy:


Exhibit B

And just when you think you're about to go mad from the extended exposure to all these silly, senseless, patronizing, mind-numbing and flat-out weird political ads... I bid you to look into Ukrainian politics.

Smoke grenades, eggs and tomatoes at the Ukraine Parliament:

So, do you feel better? Actually, I do not.

I think of the strange lolo/lola musical ad, the sad mom ad, and the otso-otso ad (complete with the gyrating cartoon "8") and: I. do. not.

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