Friday, June 20, 2014

Bong Revilla Jr. = Non-Sense

There is a backlog on the things I want to comment on… and life goes on and all that...


It just has to be said: Senator Bong, please just stop embarrassing yourself and our country.

Your speech or anything that every comes out of your mouth publicly, officially or unofficially, has never made any sense. It has never impressed me. There never was any depth or any real point to anything you ever say. All of it, non-sense. Just a lot of cheap talk and a lot of cheesy acting. 

That music video, I could not even bare to watch all of it. Words cannot describe and express the amount of shame and bewilderment one can feel about that as out of no where in the senate comes an introduction for your so called original song.

Oh how this video, made by a senator from one’s country as his official defense against a corruption charge, reflects on the state of our government today. It's just depressing how things have change and yet some things remain the same.  

So I ask: would anybody who had anything decent to say opt to use his time to show a music video instead? No. 

For that matter: who in their right mind would ever think of making a music video for a senate defense? No one. 

Strategy-wise it has been said that well, Mr. Revilla doesn’t care about the thinking citizen. What he cares about and who he patronizes are the “masa”, said to be his base. He believes they don't think and he believes this music video will please them. Ok, I get it. This is his way. It’s sad, it’s true, and it is what it is.

Though if you ask me, even if he suddenly decides that he would like to talk to the thinking Filipino, I do not believe he has the capacity to actually even give a genuinely intelligent speech either. But then again, we already figured that out a long time ago. 

I will not even dwell on all the lines he drops around media outfits. All that drama and all the cheesiness at par with antiquated soap operas, the reigning themes of which are: 1. He is oppressed, 2. God is with him and 3. He loves everyone. 

Dude, whatever. And we all just roll our eyes. 

I do not even follow the events of this issue these days because I know I will just get so annoyed and exasperated. So, why bother? We all know how he and they will go about it. 

On a side note, check out this fashion statement: 

"Religion is the Opium of the Masses." Mr. Bong thinks so, does he not?!
In case you feel like your "masa" base won't get it, that GOD is on your side, well, why don't you just print it on your shirt so it's clearly out there.

On another note, a friend of mine has been excited about the rumors of his potential arrest. Well, wouldn’t we all like to see that?