Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Oscars 2014

I must admit, I have not watched the other Oscar films that I said I would by now. Guess life caught up with me...

But if I did watch those movies before the actual ceremony, I would have declared that:
  1. I don’t think Leonardo Di Caprio would win, perhaps, because I thought the Wolf of Wallstreet was a movie that was lacking. I thought Matthew McConaughey would be a strong contender for best actor because his movie was better (based on critic ratings).  
  2. I was on the fence whether Jennifer Lawrence would bag her Oscar this year because as a whole I found American Hustle to be a disappointment.  And, apparently the movie also was a disappointment at the Oscars overall as the film didn’t win anything. I still like Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams though.
  3. I think Jared Leto would win. I mean, with that role, he just seemed like such a shoe in. (Yes, I still remember him as Jordan Catalano and think that his eyes are just scary but I must admit he is such a good fit to be a trany with those super blue eyes.)
  4. Cate Blanchett might win, depite Blue Jasmine (which I have seen) being a relatively less buzz-y movie vs the others. 

So the Oscars this year:

Ellen as a host was great. I have other favorites, like Jon Stewart perhaps (just because i like him) or Hugh Jackman. But I am very happy with Ellen. No one else can do selfies and pizza the way she can.

Ellen's Selfie broke twitter. Enough said.

So, Jared Leto’s speech… Wow, it was really good. Didn’t expect that from him because, you know, I still think of him as Jordan Catalano. But it was really really good. It was heartwarming (w/ his words about his mom).  His speech even covered Ukraine and Venezuela (and they way he said it, he didn’t seem to be pretentious at all). And, he dedicated his win to the AIDs people and why not? That’s what his movie is about. Might have been a long speech but it was really good.

I've always thought Jared Leto's eyes were scary.

I liked Lupita. I love her dress, so pretty on her. Nice, real and ernest speech. And, did you know her dad is a Kenyan senator? (I googled her).

I have always liked Cate Blanchett. Not entirely sure when I started liking her. Maybe it was when she played Queen Elizabeth? (As I do tend to have a thing for watching and reading random things about the Tudors) Anyway, her dress was lovely. I like it. It was pretty and sparkly and she looked good in it. Loved her as Jasmine. Her speech was pretty kickass. Smart. Substantial. Had enough humor in it. Thanked (a lot of people) as well as paid tribute to her roots. Very eloquent overall. Oh yeah and she told Julia Roberts to suck it.

Alright. Alright. Alright.
And, Matthew McConaughey: I once had a crush on you (circa A Time to Kill) and since then you’ve taken some weird surfer dude level roles and other similar unimpressive roles. I did like The Wedding Planner and How to Lose a Guy in 10 days so I forgive you (and accept you) for those but do you remember this horrible movie called Failure to Lauch with SJP? BUT now that you are back and with an Oscar win to boot, I think I will like you again! (Hey, you weren’t so bad in Magic Mike.) Alright, alright, alright!

I was thinking I was going to watch an Oscar movie tonight. I was choosing between Dallas Buyers Club or 12 Years a Slave. But since 12 Years a Slave won and since I was just reminded that Michael Fassbender and Benedict Cumberland is in it, I will definitely watch it after writing this.

See there they are: Benedict Cuberbatch and Michael Fassbender

And oh Sherlock, you steal the show in your own way. Benedict Cumberbatch and his antics (photobombing everywhere)…  Love them. So cute. So so so cute.

Sherlock photobombs U2 and friends
Also, must be said (though I am not sure why)… Kudos to Frozen! It was a very cute movie. Brought me back to the time of Disney princesses. And yes, I love singing to Disney princess songs. I love Idina Menzel (though why John Travolta wouldn’t know how to pronounce her name properly is beyond me). I also love Kristen Bell so I am very happy Frozen won for best animated film and best song.

I am still contemplating if I will ever watch Gravity. Now I am actually considering seeing Captain Philips because I think the Somali nominee seemed  pretty cool and (embarrassingly) I didn’t know that the movie was about Somali pirates. I thought it was some lame-o Tom Hanks navy story. (I do not like Tom Hanks and whenever I see that he's in a movie, my mind's first instinct is to dismiss it. Sorry.)

I am also considering watching the nominated documentary The Square because I saw an interview of the filmmaker on Fareed Zakaria's show and I want to see her take on the events in Egypt.

Oh, also, Baz Luhrmann’s wife won for the costumes of The Great Gatsby. I truly loved (love love love) all the dresses in that movie (so much so that I know they are from Prada and Miu Miu) and so I just want to say congratulations to Mrs. Luhrmann!


Roger Federer won in Dubai, beating out Novak Djokovic and Tomas Berdych along the way! I just need to slip that in… because, to me, this is something to definitely cheer about!

Also, Ukraine is in turmoil…. Wheeling and dealings… Technically, unidentified boots on the ground abound… Intimidation, misinformation, and world leaders are working it… What happens now, we don’t yet know...

And also the Oscar Pistorius just started. Everytime I see Reeva Steenkamp's pictures, I am still blown away on how gorgeous she was. She was a TV personality and she was also a lawyer. I think of how such an accomplished and glamorous life has been wasted and it just is sad.

Disclaimer: images used in this post are obviously not taken by me.